We spend a long time in the workplace. After we enter society, the workplace is our training ground.
Facing every issue with practice is a necessary step in our life.
Therefore, workplace aromatherapy has developed more than 10 thematic strategies based on the key moments of career.
The course content combines knowledge and healing, allowing you to achieve your ideal state from different issues.
Self-awareness test
In order to help you better understand your current situation, you can first test your course needs index using the questions below!
This index will help you explore which courses are most closely aligned with your job needs and goals.
Whether you are looking for solutions to problems or pursuing personal growth, we will assist you in self-awareness through ten questions and help you choose the most suitable course path in the learning map of workplace aromatherapy.
Take one minute to answer 10 questions to test your course demand index.
Each question is worth 1 point, there are 10 questions in total, and the score range is 1 to 10 points.
Each question is answered with yes or no, "yes" is 1 point, "no" is 0 point, and the score is accumulated continuously .
Highly sensitive interaction
◆ 我的情緒容易受到身旁人事物的牽動
◆ 跟別人身處同一個空間,我覺得無法放鬆
◆ 到人多或聲光刺激太多地方,我容易感到不適
◆ 我對人際互動覺得很消耗能量
◆ 比起與人社交,我更喜歡獨處
◆ 我是內向人,遇到不熟的人需要更多時間放開
◆ 別人眼裡微不足道的小事,對我而言卻容易感到深受打擊
◆ 我對夥伴受到的傷痛彷彿深入神經般地感同身受
◆ 我容易察覺到環境中微小的改變,像是聲音、光影、氣味的變化
◆ 團體活動進行太久我會很想逃離
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Communication style and positive expression
◆ 我總是努力表達想法但是很少被接受
◆ 我呈報工作成果時容易被認為不夠精準具體或是被誤會
◆ 我的提案常常被打回,讓我很挫敗
◆ 我面對主管和同事無法適度表達心裡的感受
◆ 我害怕多說多錯,能夠不說我就少說一點
◆ 我在工作上經常忍耐,覺得必須壓抑
◆ 向上級提出建議時,同事說得通,但我說不通
◆ 我努力把職場上需要的溝通降到最低
◆ 我花很多時間思考我要怎麼溝通表達我的意見
◆ 日常會議到重要場合的簡報我都會緊張困擾
Add them up and see your demand index!
If the score is over 5, it means this subject is suitable for you.
What you need now is workplace aromatherapy to bring you a different awareness and way of thinking!
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◆ I was invited to take on a supervisory or coordinating role, but I feel that the status quo is the best thing to do.
◆ Seeing the work style of my supervisor, I don’t want to live that kind of life
◆ I have heard too many workplace ghost stories. Being a supervisor will only make your life more tiring.
◆ I have an idea of who I am, and I don’t think I am ready yet.
◆ I am not sure about my career goals for the next stage
◆ I often think about past injuries I suffered in the workplace
◆ I keep encountering repetitive difficulties and situations at work
◆ I hate some of my own characteristics and wonder why I can't overcome them
◆ Because of past setbacks, I feel that new attempts are in vain.
◆ I hope to gain more recognition and self-realization in my work
Add them up and see your demand index!
If the score is over 5, it means this subject is suitable for you.
What you need now is workplace aromatherapy to bring you a different awareness and way of thinking!
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Hug conflict
◆ 我有意見時,很容易因為怕被拒絕而覺得算了
◆ 當有衝突來襲時,我習慣迴避、隱忍或妥協
◆ 衝突每天在我身邊上演,但我無力解決
◆ 團隊合作時,我通常以大家的意見為準,有想法不會特別說
◆ 比起表達意見,我更重視關係和諧
◆ 一旦別人跟我有任何衝突,我的心情都會久久無法平息
◆ 公司同事、組員常常意見不合,我夾在中間心很累
◆ 我和上級的想法理念不同,希望可以據理力爭
◆ 我的工作需要大量跨部門、跨層級協調事務
◆ 發生我眼前的衝突雖然與我無關,但我的心情還是受到影響
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◆ 我的資歷與能力可以當主管,但我還是不想擔任主管職
◆ 我覺得升遷很麻煩,要管的人和事會變多
◆ 萬一升遷,我擔心我和目前同事的關係會變尷尬
◆ 我現在的工作和生活已經足夠忙碌了
◆ 我對於職場上或社會掌握權力的人感到厭惡
◆ 我個性內向,不是長袖善舞型的人,向上爬很吃虧
◆ 權力就是腥風血雨,我不想攪進公司的明爭暗鬥
◆ 我雖然想發揮影響力,但不想掌權,只想當幕後支持的人
◆ 我不認為擁有權力會帶給我更多職場上的好處,只會被討厭
◆ 我不確定我是否真的有能力能夠做決策
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◆ I always see areas where I have not done enough
◆ When I am praised for my work performance, I cannot accept it because I am not good enough
◆ I feel that I have not yet matched the salary offered by the company
◆ I think the opportunities and achievements I have had are just because of luck
◆ Before talking to my boss, I always assume that he is going to point out my shortcomings.
◆ I always feel that I am too relaxed and should be more self-disciplined
◆ After a project is completed, I always review what can be improved.
◆ I believe that my work performance represents my value
◆ If my supervisor doesn’t say anything special, it probably means that he is dissatisfied with me.
◆ Although I have been promoted or recognized, I feel that I have no real ability.
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Office Politics
◆ My work efficiency is low because of the interference of office politics
◆ I often encounter villains, no matter where I go.
◆ It was not my job, but I was suddenly blamed
◆ The company is divided into factions, and I have to choose a side to work smoothly
◆ The company’s system design makes teams compete with each other. I don’t like the feeling of competition.
◆ My boss is obviously more friendly to subordinates who please him
◆ I think I am a law-abiding person, but I am always being set up or misunderstood in the company.
◆ I know the importance of building good relationships with key people, but I don’t like to cling to others.
◆ There is a serious internal struggle within the team of my company, and the management has no choice but to stay out of it.
◆ I want to take on projects or become a freelancer in the future, so I can stay away from the unpleasant environment
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Negotiate and balance expectations
◆ My supervisor doesn’t understand my field, but I hope to be trusted professionally
◆ I have expectations for the company's future development and want to fully convey my ideas to the organization
◆ My job requires me to negotiate, negotiate and reach consensus with clients.
◆ I cannot make a direct request when I know that the other party’s opinion is different from mine
◆ I am not sure how to get more budget or salary for the department or myself
◆ When handling customer complaints, I am often dragged along by the customer and can only apologize and bear the other party's emotions
◆ I am afraid that my superiors/subordinates will have too high expectations of me
◆ The other party made a promise that was not fulfilled, and I need to restart the conversation but feel troubled
◆ I always feel anxious during performance appraisals, worrying that I won’t be able to reach a consensus with my supervisor.
◆ When I really want to achieve something, I become too anxious to discuss it properly.
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Confidence and vulnerability
◆ 我對於領導者應該如何有具體的標準與想像
◆ 我想用自己的方式發揮更大的影響力
◆ 我認為領導者應該將所有責任一肩扛起
◆ 身為領導者就不應該抱怨或是感情用事
◆ 我總是覺得有天別人會發現我沒有實力只是靠運氣好上位
◆ 我想要向其他人一樣擁有不費力也能充滿自信的底氣
◆ 我對工作累積很多負面情緒但是我也只能自己排解
◆ 我不願意被社會框架束縛,想擺脫年齡、性別、外貌的限制
◆ 我渴望呈現真實的自己,職場面具戴得太累了
◆ 我想找到自己的領導風格
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Freedom and Control
◆ 我和他人的工作分配總是容易失衡,我身邊有很多搭便車者
◆ 工作經常侵蝕我的日常生活,我的生活幾乎只剩下工作
◆ 遠端工作時我總是怕別人懷疑我不夠投入
◆ 我感覺專案一不緊盯就會失控
◆ 我是個守時守分的人,但我的團隊都不是,總是拖延進度
◆ 公司規則綁手綁腳,我希望能擁有自主權
◆ 我需要與不同風格的工作夥伴達成同一個目標
◆ 團隊中有人總是希望大家依照他的方式工作
◆ 我希望在組織中發揮更大的影響力
◆ 我想在工作中同時擁有個人自由與團隊歸屬感
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If the score is over 5, it means this subject is suitable for you.
What you need now is workplace aromatherapy to bring you a different awareness and way of thinking!
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Career and career change thinking
◆ I have not been able to make up my mind to quit for a specific reason
◆ I can’t hand in my current work yet
◆ How do I know what I really want?
◆ I am afraid that no matter how many jobs I change, they will all be the same or will get worse and worse.
◆ I cannot accept the window period
◆ I have difficulty choosing a career change
◆ I still have a lot of uncertainty and doubts about career planning
◆ I have no motivation to write a resume and apply for a job
◆ I worry that I am not thoughtful enough, so I am unable to act.
◆ I want to know what else is needed to change jobs besides professional skills
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